Element 2: Welcome video

What is this element about?  

Having a short video that introduces the unit coordinator and/or other members of the teaching team helps learners feel connected. The welcome video reflects the importance of forming relationships to support learner engagement.  


The value of introduction videos by Dr Fincina Hopgood


Why is it important?  

Learning, like teaching, is a relational activity. In online learning contexts, opportunities to establish relationships begin from first encounters with the unit site and getting to know the teaching team. From this foundation, learners can be encouraged to establish relationships with each other in the hope of forming a community of learners.  

The relational pedagogic approach to teaching and learning treats relationships as the foundation of pedagogy, building on the strong emphasis on relationships already embedded within good pedagogy itself (MacNeill and Silcox, 2006)  

This element relates to the following research and practice informed guidelines/ frameworks:  

TELAS Guidelines

  • 4.3 There are explicit activities to develop and foster the learning community as well as establish relationships and connections are provided.

UNE Learning Standards

  • 6. Require collaboration and interaction:
    Our learning experiences are designed to acknowledge learning as social and contextual. They are built with intentional opportunities for learners to interact and collaborate as a key part of their learning. Learning is feedback rich, builds relationships and offers ways of engaging with other learners and perspectives.


What can I do?

Some things you can do include:

  • Include a video introducing the teaching team – it only needs to be about 2 minutes in length.
  • Share a little about your interest in the unit and how you hope the students will be inspired.
  • Use language and a tone that is approachable to students.
  • Ensure the video is accessible with a transcript and hosted appropriately.
  • You could also include short video overviews for topic/content sections of the course.


Help and Support

Support will be provided as part of the Project Uplift implementation process.

You can also contact learningmedia@une.edu.au


Supporting resources



Domain: Media and Resources

Rationale: Early unit coordinator presence and student engagement


  • A video to introduce the unit and explain what the unit is about
  • The unit coordinator or teaching team is introduced
  • The video is hosted in appropriate platforms

Consider: Video introductions to topics and/or assessment tasks

Guidance: Think longevity, remove reference to dates or details that can change quickly.

Standards: TELAS 4.3

An example checklist of 16 areas which can make a successful unit.
A graphic showing the proposed timeline for the uplift work.