Frequently Asked Questions

The uplift concept has never been about enforcing homogeneity - the goal is to maximise consistency where it counts (navigation, location of key resources, visual language etc) so that students and staff can spend their energy on learning. Project Uplift builds in collaborative design conversations to prioritise what matters to you, and implement the elements in ways that suit your discipline context. Further explanation of the concept of consistency as it applies to Project Uplift is in this post.

All UNE units that are part of our current offering at time of go-live (ie from T3 2023) will go through Project Uplift to be delivered in myLearn. Units will be scheduled in different phases depending on the trimester of delivery, but all UNE units will eventually go through the uplift process.

Yes! One of the goals of the uplift project is to increase skills and capablility around not just the LMS but other tools in the digital ecosystem. 

A training program together with improved self-help resources and a showcase of “good practise” examples will run alongside the uplift work in 2023 and into 2024.  

For a 'refresh' uplift - the category into which the majority of UNE units will fall - we anticipate that the academic staff time commitment will be around 14-16 hours. This will be tested and refined through the pilot uplift, and can be negotiated according to what is most effective and achievable for each unit. Uplift work can also be phased - critical elements can be completed prior to migration into myLearn, and other improvements can be undertaken later.

Project Uplift sits under the Learning Futures program of work, which is part of the Digital+ portfolio. It's also led by Education Futures, who have purview over many other key initiatives and business-as-usual workstreams. This allows us to be in frequent communication with other areas of the university and cognisant of other key initiatives, to ensure that competing demands are minimised, efficiencies are maximised and double-handling is avoided. We have also designed the uplift to draw on existing processes such as unit reviews and allow scope for building in faculty and school goals.

No, we are planning on teaching out of one LMS only – for T3/2023 (current timeline) students will access myLearn for all their teaching in that trimester. All teaching prior to that will be in our current system.

There will be a transition period for development and for some students with SETs, the exact details of which will be confirmed closer to the launch date. 

If you want to get in contact with the team contact us on

An example checklist of 16 areas which can make a successful unit.
A graphic showing the proposed timeline for the uplift work.