Element 3: Unit information

What is this element about?

This element focuses on students having a clear understanding of the unit and consistent location for the information that is included across all units.


Why is it important?

Learners need to know the overall aim of a unit, the learning goals and expectations including required tasks/activities and assessment. Being able to easily locate such information leaves learners with more capacity to engage with the actual learning process. This reflects the connection with cognitive load which is also associated with Element 1.

Clear indications of anticipated workload can help students with time management and planning which support student sense of agency. Agency-beliefs help students know what to do to achieve academic success. A well-designed online learning environment enables students to be proactive and engage with deep learning as opposed to being reactive and engage in a surface or superficial manner.


This element relates to the following research and practice informed guidelines/ frameworks:


TELAS Guidelines

  • 2.1. The navigation and layout of the online learning environment is functional, consistent and intuitive.
  • 2.2. The online learning environment is logically sequenced and organised.

UNE Learning Standards

  • 4. Encourage academic excellence and deep learning:
    Our learning experiences are designed are designed to reflect a commitment to academic excellence and foster deep approaches to learning. They are evidence-based and built upon research, innovation, evaluation, and review for continuous improvement.
  • 5. Promote active engagement::
    Our learning experiences are designed to nurture student engagement and challenge in their learning. Learning experiences encourage in students both intellectual and emotional engagement in their studies. By taking an active role in their learning, students are rewarded with a sense of achievement and growth.


What can I do?

Some things you can do include:

  • Ensure the information and assessment overview book is present in the unit and in a location and format consistent across all units (as identified through the project uplift process)
  • Ensure communication processes are in place to provide key information regarding the unit
  • Clear instructions and expectations are provided for unit coordinator/facilitator availability
  • Clear instructions are provided for navigating the unit and locating key resources
  • Clear learning goals and topic / module reflection points are in place
  • Unit information is grouped in a clear, coherent and logical way to support learning.

Hints and tips

Unit news and announcements: time saying tips Digital Education @ UNE Blog


Help and Support

Support will be provided as part of Project Uplift implementation process.


You can also contact the Learning Design team, learningdesign@une.edu.au for in person advice and guidance.


Supporting resources

Acode (2017). Threshold standards for online. Retrieved from https://www.acode.edu.au/pluginfile.php/1530/mod_resource/content/1/ACODE_TSFOLE_draft_1.2.pdf


Domain: Layout and Interface

Rationale: Students from the outset have clear understanding of the unit and a consistent location for the information across all units


  • The Unit Information and Assessment overview book is present in the unit
  • Communication processes are in place to provide students with key information regarding the unit
  • Clear instructions and expectations are provided for instructor availability
  • Instructions are provided for navigating the unit and locating key resources
  • Module reflection points and clear learning goals for each topic are in place


  • TELAS: 2.1, 2.2
  • UNE Online Learning Standards: 4 and 5
An example checklist of 16 areas which can make a successful unit.
A graphic showing the proposed timeline for the uplift work.