Element 1: Visual Identity

What is this element about?

This element focuses on how online units are presented in terms of general layout and interface. The aim is to help learners navigate the unit so that information that is in every unit such as assessment information is always found in the same place.

The element considers factors such as:

  • Is information presented in a consistent way to help the leaner navigate the site?
  • Is there visual imagery that helps the student easily identify the unit from others that they may be studying?
  • Is the site organised in a logical way to help learning flow?


Why is it important?

Research shows that learners only have a limited amount of cognitive resources available to them and we want as much of this to go towards their learning. This is known as cognitive load theory.

Learners can become easily disengaged when it is hard to find information. The more we can reduce the effort it takes for learners to find their way around the online site, the more effort they can put into their actual learning.

Giving attention to the way that information on your unit site is organised plays an important role in keeping learners engaged and has potential to enhance their digital literacies skills.

It is important for students to experience a level of consistency when they go from Course to Course during their studies. Consistency does not mean sameness, but it does mean they do not have to relearn how to use a course site when they transverse their various courses. (ACODE, 2017, p. 3)

This element relates to the following research and practice informed guidelines/ frameworks:

TELAS Guidelines

  • 2.1. The navigation and layout of the online learning environment is functional, consistent and intuitive.

UNE Learning Standards

  • 7. Use technology to enrich and enable learning:
    Our learning experiences are designed to utilise existing and emerging technologies to enrich learning and provide opportunities to engage in new and meaningful ways. Technology should be used purposefully and must add value to the learning experience.


What can I do?

Some things you can do include:

  • Use a curated set of unit tiles
  • Include an appropriate image so that when students view their myLearn dashboard they have a visual cue as to the unit and its subject matter
  • Ensure that UNE pre-set styles, fonts and colours are used throughout the unit
  • Ensure that consistent pre-set styles reference different activity types
  • Consider how information is grouped so that it is intuitive and functional
  • Check the site for ease of navigation, for example ask someone unfamiliar with the online learning site to work through to find any navigation hurdles.

Hints and tips

New for T2 – Improved unit “tiles format Digital Education @ UNE Blog

Read more about cognitive load by visiting Education Futures blog: Digital Education @ UNE

Help & Support

Support will be provided as part of Project Uplift implementation process.


You can also contact the Learning Design team, learningdesign@une.edu.au for in person advice and guidance.


Supporting resources

Acode (2017). Threshold standards for online. Retrieved from https://www.acode.edu.au/pluginfile.php/1530/mod_resource/content/1/ACODE_TSFOLE_draft_1.2.pdf


Domain: Layout and Interface

Rationale: Consistency of presentation with a distinct visual identity of units


  • A curated set of unit tiles is in place for the unit
  • An appropriate dashboard image is in place
  • UNE preset styles, fonts and colours are used throughout
  • Consistent preset styles reference different activity types



  • TELAS: 2.1
  • UNE Online Learning Standards: 7
An example checklist of 16 areas which can make a successful unit.
A graphic showing the proposed timeline for the uplift work.