Element 16: Opportunities

What is this element about?

UNE is already well established as a leader in online learning, however we need to continue to develop and innovate in this space and based on digital first-design. This element also highlights have we can work more effectively to best utilise the systems to enhance engagement and learning.

Why is it important?

Digital technology for learning continues to develop – sometimes in contentious ways, just think ChatGPT. Exploring the affordances of technology to support diverse learning needs and contexts is also a responsibility in providing effective online learning design and facilitation.

UNE supports and utilises a range of digital resources, however, there is a further need and opportunity to explore what and how these resources are used more extensively and consistently to enhance learning in an online environment.

If UNE wants to remain a leader in the online learning space it is essential that we continue to explore the ways in which we use the resources at hand as well as venturing into new areas of innovation. Embracing the challenges and opportunities despite the uncertainties that are inherent within innovation. Being open to new possibilities is after all what university is historically there to promote.

This element also highlights the ecosystem that is the online learning environment and the movement from e-learning 2.0 to 3.0 and what this means for teaching and learning.

E-learning tools also offer training and higher education to many students that have different higher educational levels and come from diverse cultural backgrounds. However, if the capabilities of e-learning are underestimated, these may not be successful in higher education. Some of the people lack understanding about the limitations and weaknesses of e-learning, while some may have superfluous expectations. (Aljawarneh, 2020, p. 57)

The need to be open to new opportunities and learn what systems can do to enhance learner engagement, the learning process and success are an important aspect of our role as educators. Pedagogy must drive this process for it to be effective.

This element relates to the following research and practice informed guidelines/ frameworks:

TELAS Guidelines

  • STANDARD 6: Learning and assessment tasks leverage the affordances of digital technologies and support the development of digital literacies.
  • STANDARD 8: Learning resources are relevant and support learner engagement.

UNE Learning Standards

  • 7. Use technology to enrich and enable learning:
    Our learning experiences are designed to utilise existing and emerging technologies to enrich learning and provide opportunities to engage in new and meaningful ways. Technology should be used purposefully and must add value to the learning experience.

UNE Course Design Framework

  • 4.2  Be designed specifically for online delivery if offered for online or blended delivery
    Units that are designed-for-online markedly increase student success. In particular, UNE will move from traditional lectures to engaging students in active learning. The learning experience will be flipped: learning activities that are purely transmission of information will be pre-recorded where essential, and face-to-face interaction (both on campus and online) will be interactive learning sessions.


What can I do?

Some things you can do include:

  • Consider how systems such as PebblePad and Microsoft Teams could be used to support social and/or collaborative learning opportunities.
  • Explore the use of PebblePad for work-integrated, place-based and fieldwork or placement informed learning opportunities – within and across units
  • Consider the use of Microsoft Teams for communication – as appropriate within and across units.
  • Utilise opportunities for the incorporation of H5P designed activities/tasks within a unit
  • Utilise opportunities for rich media within a unit
  • Explore emerging technologies such as AI and the impact on and for learning within a unit/discipline.

Help and Support

Teaching Online @ UNE contains information on assessment design.


Contact the Learning Design team for specific unit related guidance and advice: learningdesign@une.edu.au


Supporting resources

Aljawarneh, S. A. (2020). Reviewing and exploring innovative ubiquitous learning tools in higher education. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 32(1), 57–73. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12528-019-09207-0


TELAS Framework https://www.telas.edu.au/framework/


UNE Course Design Framework https://policies.une.edu.au/download.php?id=512&version=2&associated


UNE Online Learning Standards https://myune.sharepoint.com/sites/academic-transformation/SitePages/Principals-for-Designing-Learning-Experiences-Online.aspx


Rationale: UNE remains a leader in online learning and digital innovation; UNE units utilise digital-first design


  • Opportunities for PebblePad in this unit
  • Opportunities for H5P in this unit
  • Opportunities for rich media in this unit
  • Opportunities for MS Teams in this unit for groupwork / collaboration


  • TELAS 6, 8
  • UNE Online Learning Standards 7
  • UNE Course Design Framework 4.2
An example checklist of 16 areas which can make a successful unit.
A graphic showing the proposed timeline for the uplift work.